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Dizionario demografico multilingue (Italiano - prima edizione del 1959)

Categoria:Missing English term

Da Demopædia.
Versione del 28 feb 2010 alle 01:04 di NBBot (Discussione | contributi) (Bernardo Colombo, ed. 1959)
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List of pages having missing or untranslated terms, which were "text terms" of the English second edition of 1982.

  • Please let this page be compliant with the 1982-standard (English) by looking at the talk page.
  • A language which has been translated uniquely from the French second edition of 1981 is not compliant with the English standard in the sense that many terms or sentences have not been translated into French, and not only because the English section has been published later. It can be either by ommission or because it can't be translated or because the expression is not used in English.
  • However if it has not been translated in the French edition, the expression has been translated in other languages but not yours.
  • To add a page to this category, please add, in the talk page of the page, this template:
  • {{missing English term|page|section|section-note or comment}} for example {{translated English term|15|152|152-5}}
  • If you think that the term can't be translated, please discuss this point in the Talk page of the page. And change the template name missing in for example {{missing English term|15|152|152-5}} by:
  • translated: {{translated English term...
  • untranslatable: {{untranslatable English term...

In both cases, the page will be added into the category Category:Coherent with the 1982-standard (English) because our goal is to detect omissions, not to impose a translation.


Questa categoria contiene le 3 sottocategorie indicate di seguito, su un totale di 3.




Pagine nella categoria "Missing English term"

Questa categoria contiene le 3 pagine indicate di seguito, su un totale di 3.